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Advanced Customer Persona Design and Development

Say Hello To Alan

Alan Smith is your dream Customer, he might not look like he is right now but soon enough you'll wish he was real. Alan buys lots of widgets.

Personas for advanced search engine optimisation

Sub@omic designs and develops websites that achieve high rankings in Google and other search engines. One technique to help achieve such a high ranking website is to develop the characteristics of the ideal website Customer to the point that this persona can be comprehensively documented and used as a company-wide reference and focal point to assist the writing of marketing and communications material for Customers, widget buyers and sales targets.

What's so special about Alan?

Alan has taken months of work to develop into a fully rounded persona - he's actually got the roots of his persona in a real Customer and we've developed him to the point of almost being human. We know Alan's likes and his dislikes, we know his pet names for certain widgets, we know what his priorities and pressures in business are, we know what his core values are and why he buys the widgets he does.

Search engine keywords

From this comprehensive outline we know which words Alan would use to search Google for a widget import business like ours:

When you've taken the time to get to know your ideal Customer then writing website content becomes a simpler activity as staff only need turn to one of the set of personas and ask themselves "What would Alan want?"

Personas aren't for everyone

The investment required to develop a set of meaningful and relevant personas tends to mean that the creation of personas has traditionally been the preserve of all but larger companies. However, the arrival of SEO in business means that personas are now being affordably deployed into far smaller organisations.

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Sub@omic Web

Web Design

Sub@omic is an independent web consultancy developing cognitive designer websites, based in Harpenden, Hertfordshire, UK