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æ Sub@omic's Web Design Process Step 15:

Web Design Process Step 15

We don't just help you launch your website and walk away, we remain close-at-hand for ongoing closed-loop website monitoring, measurement and modification.

Neither should you

Keeping your website active, updated and relevant is such an important ongoing activity that Sub@omic has given the process its own name. We call it M5.


Just like any good management process, m5 is a closed loop management approach to the ongoing improvement of your website.

You've already encountered Modelling and Mapping so all that's left is the final three elements of the website management process: Monitoring, Measurement and Modification.

Monitoring, measurement and modification

If you can't measure it, you can't manage it - so goes the trusty management adage. The website will already be monitoring activity via Google Analytics, you will need to put in place some management KPIs such as: quantity of visitors; value and number of conversions (sales); backlinks count; Google ranking; visit duration; number of pages viewed per visit; frequency of Googlebot visits etc.

With these KPIs in place you'll have the management tools to understand and, therefore, manage the growth of the website.

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Sub@omic Web

Web Design

Sub@omic is an independent web consultancy developing cognitive designer websites, based in Harpenden, Hertfordshire, UK